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ENYTinG Gender Podcast EP: #2 with Rachel Cottom

The Importance of Intersectionality in Male Allyship

Welcome to the ENYTinG Gender Podcast Blog! with Rachel Cottam, a gender allyship speaker and writer, to discuss the importance of male allyship and the role it plays in fostering a more inclusive work environment. Rachel shares her personal journey and insights on how men can support and advocate for gender equity in the workplace.

Rachel's Journey and Inspiration

Rachel's journey into male allyship began when she transitioned from being a high school English teacher to working in the tech industry. She found herself as the only woman in the office, but with the support of male allies, she was able to advance in her career and advocate for gender equality. This experience inspired her to become a vocal advocate for male allyship and gender equity.

Defining Male Allyship

Male allyship is not about advocating for men to have more power and influence, but rather about men being better allies for women. It involves men using their positions of power and influence to reject the zero-sum mentality and support women and other underrepresented groups in their organizations.

The Evolution of Feminism and Gender Equity

Rachel's understanding of feminism and gender equity has evolved over time, especially after moving to a state that ranks worst for gender equality in the US. She emphasizes the importance of intersectional feminism that advocates for all individuals, regardless of gender, race, or other identities.

Embracing Feminism and Male Allyship

Rachel encourages women to embrace the term "feminist" and recommends reading "We Should All Be Feminists" by Chimamanda Ngochi Adichie as an entry point. She also highlights the importance of men embracing feminism and working together with women to achieve gender equality.

Overcoming Misconceptions and Backlash

Rachel addresses misconceptions about male allyship and shares her experiences with backlash from other men. She emphasizes the importance of men understanding that male allyship does not require massive changes but rather small, everyday actions to support gender inclusion.

Fostering Inclusive Work Environments

In the workplace, male leaders can foster inclusivity by parenting out loud, amplifying the voices of underrepresented groups, and addressing gender stereotypes and biases. Rachel and host discuss the importance of men listening to women, understanding gender stereotypes, and examining the deep structure of organizations to promote inclusivity.

The Importance of Intersectionality in Male Allyship

Rachel emphasizes that many of the tactics that help men to be better allies for women automatically extend to other underrepresented groups. She discusses the idea of amplifying voices in meetings and how male allies can work with individuals who may not be as comfortable speaking up, such as those who are shy or neurodivergent. Rachel also highlights the importance of providing protection and safety for unprotected groups and the need to model authentic leadership.

The Wheel of Privilege

Rachel introduces the concept of the Wheel of Privilege, which outlines the categories where individuals might have privilege, whether earned or unearned. She emphasizes the importance of men using their privilege to advocate for policy change that supports gender equality and the need for men to be aware of the opportunities that come with their privilege.

Calling In vs. Calling Out

Rachel discusses the difference between calling in and calling out, emphasizing the importance of respectful conversations and the need to address harmful discrimination in the workplace. She encourages men to have the courage to speak up and interrupt harmful conversations to create a more inclusive environment.

The Vision for the Future of Male Allyship

Rachel shares her vision for the future of male allyship, advocating for a healthy balance of men and women working together for gender equality. She emphasizes the importance of having just as many men engaged in the work as women in every space where gender equity is celebrated.

Unlearning Behaviors and Beliefs

Rachel reflects on a moment when she had to unlearn a behavior and belief to be a better ally, emphasizing the importance of being conscious of the spaces where time and resources are invested and seeking out rooms where proportions look different to promote inclusivity.

In conclusion, Rachel's insights shed light on the significance of male allyship in promoting gender equity and fostering inclusive work environments. By embracing intersectional feminism and advocating for small, everyday actions, men can play a crucial role in creating a more inclusive and equitable workplace for everyone.

For more information on Rachel Cottam and her work in gender allyship, visit her website at RachelCottam.com.

Thank you for tuning in to the Anything Gender podcast! Stay tuned for more insightful discussions on gender equity and allyship.

Rachel Cottam Guest

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachel-cottam/

Website: rachelcottam.com/ 

Podcast Link: https://podopshost.com/65c263431ace8

Blog Link: https://sharminprince.utobo.com/blog


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